, 3 min read

Website Checking with Ahrefs

Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2023/04-22-website-checking-with-ahrefs.

One of the most frequent visitor by far of this website is the ahrefs.com robot. The Ahrefs company, located in Singapore, uses 3,455 servers and stores more than 300 Petabytes.

Ahrefs scans this website even more frequently than Google! Below table shows the monthly visits to this website. It can be seen that Ahrefs scans even more than Google and Semrush combined.

Date Ahrefs Google Semrush
2021.03 109 51 11
2021.04 334 121 11
2021.05 205 1050 279
2021.06 58 1265 814
2021.07 198 1161 1167
2021.08 788 1419 1065
2022.04 4128 649 1577
2022.05 7380 1783 4368
2022.06 5921 942 2902
2022.07 7642 1373 3721
2022.08 10853 3421 3773
2022.09 8814 3122 3673
2022.10 11148 1562 6903
2022.11 11153 1622 8176
2022.12 11646 2417 4178
2023.01 13171 2086 1963
2023.02 14753 4057 613
2023.03 14130 5143 1324
2023.04 11506 5652 1535

Above table can be presented in below graph.

Ahrefs offers different plans. I just registered for the so called "free" plan. All below diagrams were extracted from the free plan. Below plan prices are given in EUR per month.

Plan Free Lite Standard Advanced Enterprise
Cost/EUR Free 89 179 369 899

Below table shows a handy overview of your issues. A very common issue are 404-pages.

A nice diagram of distribution of your HTTP status codes.

A nice introduction to resolving issues on your website: A Simple Workflow in Ahrefs' Site Audit.

Distribution of HTTP status codes for each "directory" of your website.

Same as above, but this time a distribution of content-types of your directories of your website.

In above report you can expand the blog part to get detailed information on this path.

Distribution of image file sizes. Again, you can drill down from here.

A report on issues with your images on your website.

Addendum: This site is hosted by Hiawatha webserver. Extracting specific robots from Hiawatha access.log was done with below Perl program.

#!/bin/perl -W
# Count Ahrefs, Google bots per month per year in Hiawatha access.log files
# Elmar Klausmeier, 22-Apr-2023

use strict;

my %H = ( ahrefsbot => 0, googlebot => 0, semrushbot => 0 );
my ($year,$month) = (-1,"Illegal");
my %monthNames = (
    Jan => 1, Feb => 2, Mar => 3, Apr => 4, May => 5, Jun => 6,
    Jul => 7, Aug => 8, Sep => 9, Oct => 10, Nov => 11, Dec => 12

sub prtH(@) {
    for my $i (sort keys %H) {
        $H{$i} = 0;	# clear sums
    print "\n";

while (<>) {
    my @F = split /\|/;
    next if ($#F < 6);	# need UA in $F[6]
    # Hiawatha date field is like: Sun 16 Apr 2023 11:13:13 +0200
    my ($weekday,$day,$mon,$yr,$hms,$ds) = split(/ /,$F[1]);
    #printf("day=%s, mon=%s, yr=%s\n",$day,$mon,$yr);
    if ($year == -1) { ($year,$month) = ($yr,$mon); }
    elsif ($month ne $mon) { prtH(); ($year,$month) = ($yr,$mon); }
    for ( split(/[ :;,\/\(\)\@\$]/,lc $F[6]) ) {
        if (defined($H{$_})) { $H{$_} += 1; last; }

Finally, concatenating all access.log files, and pipeing through above script:

blogconcatlog 77 | blogahrefs

Added 15-May-2023: One disadvantage of Ahrefs is that accessing their site can be difficult at times. Below check for humans loops forever.